

Tax Outsourcing Services

Eworkk facilitates outsourced tax services to CPAs and accounting firms across the US. eworkk’s team’s comprehensive tax experience strengthens your in-house team and lessens hiring extra staff during the super busy tenure of tax season. We have established a remarkable reputation with our outsourcing tax preparation services.

Uncovering a decent tax professional is one of the unexciting matters for multiple business enterprises. It is indeed energizing to build and maintain a tax workforce that justifies your requirements in diverse areas comprising Partnership Tax Return, Small Corporation Tax return, Corporation Tax Return, and Payroll Tax Return. That’s the reason it might be ideal for CPAs and accounting firms and for tax professionals to contract out the various tax functions. You can choose outsourcing tax services to eworkk. It is a widespread practice in the United States to go for outsourcing tax preparation services. Several vouch for the fact that it justifies feasibility for small-scale business firms.

Whatever your tax functions right now, your success will depend on your people. Getting stability of the perfect ally in the form of a great tax outsourcing firm assists to manage with the pressures of the business world. It is immensely advisable for you to partner with companies like eworkk Services. Our experts comprise tax professionals who are intelligent and knowledgeable in the updated tax regulations and tax technology. With a data-centric and client-focused strategy, we eliminate dismissal and manual processes for elevated efficiency.

We are enabled with state-of-art tax software systems to assist eworkk team perform the client’s tax-related tasks with exceptional precision. It may be burdensome for many CPA and Accounting firms to invest in such cost-intensive software systems for their in-house usage. You can get the advantages of the latest tax software and tools through the means of our affordable outsourcing tax return preparation services. Our impressive techno-stack delivers our clients the confidence that absolute compliance with the taxation regulations shall be in effect.

Presently almost all businesses have to experience a critically competitive market. It is also factual for the various small and medium-sized CPAs along with the accounting firms in the USA. They need to dedicate an increased amount of their resources and time to their core business activities. eworkk should be your first preference when it comes to the taxation-related assignment such as return preparation, returns filing, tax advisory, and solving complicated tax issues.

Through the reinforcement of our highly qualified tax professionals, we help CPAs along with firms formulate impactful strategies to implement imaginative tax planning strategies and effectively manage compliance-related requirements. eworkk tax outsourcing team comprises chartered accountants and tax specialists who have managed multiple tax complications in their journey of delivering tax expertise over the years.

eworkk team stays acquainted with all the latest tax updates issued by the IRS or the CRA. We accurately meet the deadlines and manage the tensions of tax seasons to provide flawless outsourcing tax return preparation services to our clients. Our team focuses on keeping unwelcome tax penalties and late fees at bay. We safeguard undesirable setbacks or undue conformities with the tax laws for all our clients.

eworkk tax outsourcing tax return services facilitate the transparency and control you want. You will experience harmonious, flexible, and quality service with absolute tax compliance.

Services we offer

Presently, CPAs and accounting firms need to dedicate their resources and time to their core business activities. We are your ideal preference when it comes to taxation preparation, returns preparation, advisory, solving complex business problems, the integration and standardization of operations, increasing efficiency, and cost reduction. With highly qualified professionals, eworkk helps CPAs and firms formulate highly impactful strategies to implement creative tax planning strategies and productively manage compliance-related requirements.

Tax Prep & Filing

  • Non-profits – Form 990
  • Partnerships – Form 1065
  • Estates and trusts- Form 1041
  • Corporations – Form 1120 / the 1120s
  • Expat Tax Filing along with Form 2555
  • Individuals – Form 1040, Form 1040A, Form 1040EZ, Form 1040NR

Sales Tax

  • The seven-Step Tax Calculation process
  • Monthly/Quarterly Calculation
  • Tax Filings
  • Registration based on practical standpoints
  • State Representations for Penalty Relief

Tax Returns Preparation Services

  • Tax Validation
  • Liability Calculation
  • Returns Preparation
  • Form and Certificate Management

Why is eworkk ideal for Tax Outsourcing Services

Cost Reduction

CPA firms can decrease costs by up to 50%-60%.

Technology Enhancement

Empower the productivity of your tax function using technology-enabled solutions.

Standardization of the process

Practical resolutions to clients based on standard processes justify everything.

Access To Human Talent

Get access to a pool of knowledgeable tax and accounting professionals with insights into changes in the legislation.

Confidentiality of Information

Industry-best practices to assure authorization and confidentiality of information.

Make An Appointment

Make an Appointment with the Taxation near you!

Over 14+ years of experience we’ll ensure you get the best guidance

Softwares We Use

eworkk is a foremost global accounting company facilitating Finance and Accounting (F&A) Outsourcing services to accounting firms based in the USA.